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As you can see, Audiograbber is definitely an application to try out.
These are the awards we've got:
(sites listed in no particular order)

5 Cows! Top Rating!

5 Stars! Top Rating!

Access Foundation's 2004 GREAT SOFTWARE LIST:
5 Stars! Top Rated!

5 Stars! Top Rating!

5 smileys! Top Rating!

5 Stars! Top rating!

c|net (www.download.com):
Editors choice!

Get it! Top Rating!

Editors pick! Top Rating!

5 Star Shareware:
5 Golden stars! Top Rating!

Pass the shareware:
Cool! Top Rating!

Download.Net: (review)
5 stars! Top Rating!

File Transit:
5 stars! Top rating!

Sonic Spot (review):
5 stars! 95%!

5 skulls! Top Rating!

Editors Pick!

Dude Approved! Top Rating!


5 whatever it is! Top rated!

5 out of 5! And a thumb up!

AudioTools UK
5 star rating!

5 star rating!

100% freeware. No spyware or other crap guaranteed!
5 star rated!

Phrozen Crew:
8 B's! Top Rating!
    Here are excerpts from some encouraging e-mails I've got:

  • From Chuck Bramsen:
    Many thanks for making the most versatile, powerful MP3 program on the market. I'm using v1.70 to archive all my CDs, LPs, and cassettes - and it's going great!!

  • From Pastor Jim Pelletier:
    Since purchasing Audiograbber, my entire webstyle has changed, not to mention how I listen to and store my music. Also, I've used the program to change how we handle music in our worship services at church. Gush Gush Gush. Thought I would gush on you while I downloaded one of my lifetime upgrades. Can't help it. Love the product!

  • From JoAnn Quinn, working at ZDNet:
    Updates.com, a division of CNet Networks, incorporates many updates to our extensive database of product updates. Every once in a while we come across a product that it outstanding. We consider yours to be one of them.

  • From Michael Kessell:
    Very good work with your new Audiograbber. It's a pleasure to see it work in my RAM instead making deep scratches in my harddrive.
    Now I know, why I paid my money for the 256 MB. :-)

  • From The Southbend Hackers Club, L.L.C.:
    Hello, We just registered your program, and I would like to say, you guys really, really, rock! This is one of the best programs I have seen for the purpose of ripping CDs in a very long while!

  • From Kenneth Weiss:
    As a relatively long time registered user of Audiograbber, I just wanted to say what a terrific job on v.1.70. I particularly like the ability to rip directly into RAM. Makes for a very smooth transition. Once again, well done!

  • From Bob Burman:
    I have no suggestions for you this time, just praise. I recently downloaded the 1.70 beta and took time to try the Line-In sampling function of Audiograbber and I LOVE it.

  • From Steve Goffreda:
    The 1.70 beta of Audiograbber is terrific. I really like the new features, especially the ability to rip into RAM first, and the new feature to handle compilation discs. Purchasing Audiograbber was one of the best software investments I ever made. Keep up the great work!

  • From John H.:
    I've now purchased Audiograbber after trying it out for a time as I am so impressed with it. It is an excellent piece of software and well worth the $25 I paid for it. I've also used most other 'rippers' and none come even close to Audiograbber for operation and output quality. Thanks again.

  • From Jeff Wark.:
    I don't even use your product all that much, but it is written and performs so well I purchased it for those times I need it.

  • From d.j. Philip:
    Hey! You are great! I just wanted to tell you that your program is a real gold mine. I am using audiograbber almost every day in my work! Again, You did a great job!

  • From Walt Huntsucker:
    Thanks for setting me back up with the password and key for Audiograbber. I get lots of use out of the program and I consider it the premier software of it's kind. I tried several before I found yours so I have some basis for that review. I would have definitely had to buy it again if you hadn't helped me out after I threw the key away. Not only is it fine software, that's fine customer support. Excellent work all around.

  • From Rick Phillips:
    I just downloaded the latest upgrade of Audiograbber and just wanted to thank you for continually improving an already outstanding program. I use to frequently and it always performs as expected. It is a great program and an excellent value.
    Just wanted to say "Thanks!"

  • From Chris Cristo:
    The new version of Audiograbber is awesome. I filled a 18 gig drive with extracted .wav files and let Audiograbber encode them to mp3's overnight. A major time saver over the "one cd at a time" method.

  • From Pepijn Sitter:
    About half and hour ago I downloaded the free version of your software and I just felt that I had to tell you that I just loved it! It works perfectly! I'm so happy with it that I purchased it right away!

  • From Ray Albrektsson:
    Just registered and thought I'd tell you it is by far the cleanest, most user-friendly ripper I've found.

  • From Mark Lawyer:
    Just a note to thank you for the upgrade. I love the software, use it daily and really appreciate your efforts in constantly upgrading it to make it as good as it can possibly be. Best money I ever spent. Your efforts are certainly appreciated.

  • From G. L. Jones:
    Just wanted to let you know that Audiograbber was the best investment I've made out of many programs tried and purchased. You need not respond. Just wanted to send some flowers. (compliments)

  • From Glenn Reyna:
    Jackie, I just found and downloaded the V1.5 upgrade of AudioGrabber. I wanted to take a moment to say "thanks again" for a terrific and extremely useful program. We're moving into the hot weather season here in Chicago and I hate hot weather, so I'll be even happier to use the newest version of AudioGrabber in my air conditioned studio! I hope the weather is nice for you too.

  • From Ian Sands:
    Well done. A brilliant programme. Does everything I want. Thank you.

  • From Art Paul:
    (Note from Jackie: Has the Caps Lock key got stuck on your keyboard? Hm, or was it you that typed everything with capitol letters just to stick out a little? Nevermind).

  • From David A Castle:
    Hi Jackie, Tested it with both of my computers and it's working wonderfully. I took your suggestion and ripped using the analog option with a very old CD-ROM and even that sounded fine. Thanks.

  • From Julio Mazzei:
    Hi Jackie: I just want to say how much I enjoyed the free version of your software. Now I am purchasing the full version. It's simply, well designed and sound TERRIFIC. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL. Keep it up. I wish your company continued success.

  • From Barry Libenson:
    Audiograbber, best deal on the net! Great software, $25 is to cheap! Keep up the great work.

  • From Harold Christian:
    Dear Jackie, I have played around with the free versions long enough......just had to have the full version. Fantastic programme, keep up the good work.

  • From E. S. Satyadharma:
    Hello Jackie, I have just purchased and downloaded AudioGrabber. What I like most of AudioGrabber is it's flexibility. Thumbs Up for you!

  • From Ing, Klaus Aigen:
    Dear Mr. Jackie! If you compare the quality of your software to the quality of e.g. microsoft und you would divide time spending of producing software with the personal ressource of microsoft and multiply it with your personal capacity you should become world leader. Why are you not world leader?

  • From Shawn Kralj:
    Hey Jackie This is the best peace of software I ever bought. Keep up the great work. I'm ripping like crazy and I don't even have to be anywhere near my computer while my CDs are getting ripped and my Mp3 are being created. The new feature (recording) is great and since I was about to by the software to do it for me you just saved me some money.

  • John Holcomb:
    Jackie, just got the upgrade to my registered version will install later. just wanted to let you know its the best bang for the buck for my computer yet.

  • Eric Brown:
    Jackie, Thanks for everything! AudioGrabber rules and you are awesome for always giving free upgrades. Those are only two of the hundred thousand other reasons I registered AudioGrabber. Thanks again and excellent work!

  • Jim Travis:
    Thanks for the quick response to the order for AudioGrabber. Program does everything as billed and does it VERY well. No problems whatsoever. Best wishes for great success with it.

  • Dustin Wehmeyer:
    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for building a wonderful product and your continued development of what I consider to be THE premier cd-mp3 product available.

    Not so bad! I refrained from putting the above guys e-mail addresses on this page. Spam companies certainly has web "spiders" that finds e-mail addresses on web pages. checksums@audiograbber.com-uss.net wouldn't get so many "weight loss products that really work!" offers otherwise...

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