Checksums from international artists Checksums from non-international artists

In order to test if your CD-ROM drive reads digital audio completly perfect you can grab a track and compare its checksums to one of the checksums here. All checksums on this site should be correct, if you suspect an error with any of them please mail to

We want more checksums. Please follow these guidelines when reporting checksums:
  • Test the cd on at least two different brands of CD-ROM drives. If possible test two individual versions of the disc.
  • Report checksums from track 1, 3 and 5.
  • Report checksums only from common cd's or cd's that in some other way is a good complement.
  • Checksums with X in does not start/end with silence and can not be used. Do not report such sums.
  • You must report the serial number of the cd, artist, cd title, tracknames and the checksums. You should also report a name (nickname) and a control name. Your control name will be used as an identification to ensure that no one later on uses your nickname. Use any nickname and control name you like but use the same all the times. If the cd is not distributed internationally please report which country it comes from.

CD serial number#:
Artist name:
CD title:
  Track names and numbers, Checksums and CD brands that has been used:

Your nickname:      
Control name:

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